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 As a young girl growing up in a rural place in the Philippines, I used to question myself, "Why I was born being poor?", meaning we always have just have fresh  vegetables to go with rice as "ulam" almost everyday.

   Having to eat fish twice or thrice a week is a luxury for us kids. Eating meat ( pork, chicken etc..) on the other hand is a scarcity, 'coz it seemed too costly for our parents to afford.

   Fruits are just being plucked from the tree from our backyard, from the open field or forest ( as long as fruits are edible ), we munched them directly upon picking. Organically grown and freshly eaten !

   As years past, then I realized the importance of eating fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables from young age; as I BUILT A FORTRESS OF IMMUNITY within me. 

   As an OFW for over decades already,  I never had one experience of a serious health issue. Once Iwas diagnosed to have contracted "Leptospirosis" when I was working in Singapore. To some it can be deadly; and I thanked God because I did not even had or show any symptoms at all. Even the doctor was so amazed ! 


Daily dose of fresh FRUITS AND MORINGA leaves really WORKS WONDER!


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